Even pragmatic people tend to believe in the mystical ability of some objects to bring good luck and attract money. In some situations, the result depends more on luck than on effort, so the person seeks to acquire a lucky charm or mascot.

What is different amulet talisman
Amulets are usually inherited and are a source of protective energy. The effect of the amulet is intended to protect its owner from diseases, disasters, hazards. In fact, the amulet can not attract money or success. He can only push away the bad and help you avoid losing money.
Talisman working on bringing in the life of its possessor positive developments and assists in the implementation of desires. Talisman better make your own from natural materials.
Combining properties of the amulet and talisman in one piece
The most common forms of amulets for good luck and prosperity: the horseshoe pendant made of natural stones in the rim and irredeemable coin. But being an amulet, these items are only able to push away the negativity. To make these things a magnet for money and success, you can use additional effects.
Magic practices often use essential oils to enhance the effect. For money are mixtures of oils of bergamot, juniper, cedar and pine. To attract good luck recommend oil of Jasmine, sandalwood, lavender, patchouli.
Just enough to lubricate the protective amulet the appropriate essential oil and the result will emerge soon. Repeat the procedure "aromamagic" about the amulet should be once a month, preferably on the growing moon.
Eastern amulets for good luck and wealth
The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui believes the most effective amulet to attract money trehlapye toad with a coin in his mouth, sitting on a mountain of gold. This symbol should be placed in the most beautiful room of the house and be facing into the room.
To carry with you will fit the amulet of the three coins with a square hole, tied together with red ribbon. This amulet can be carried in your wallet with other coins.
Amulets that bring good luck in Feng Shui are considered to be figures of animals. The tiger symbolizes powerful protection in a physical sense and luck in business. Statuette of a rhinoceros is for protection from theft and attracts luck. The figure of a cat with a raised paw grants wishes and brings happiness to the family. Put this idolum at the entrance to the house.
Rune amulet for luck and security

Runesword magic is the ancient art mark sacred symbols. Amulets with runic symbols suitable for people of any religion. With unconditional belief in the power of runes, amulet will be very effective.
The most famous formula of success and wealth consists of the runes Dagaz, Fehu, Uruz, Otala written in place. You can simply write the symbols on paper or skin and carry or draw the signs with a marker on the wallet.